About $19.5 billion was spent on Valentine’s Day last year. Hard to believe that we pour that much money into a holiday designed to show loved ones we care about them.  Even spending $100-$200 on this special day can put a serious hole in your budget if you’re not prepared.

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? To me it is a time to be creative and show my loved ones how much I value them. I always try to come up with fun ways to express my feelings without being too over the top. I do my best to avoid spending a small fortune on mushy holidays.

Here are a few ways you can stay on budget this holiday while showing that special someone you care:

Tour Your Own City

If you are anything like me, you love trying new things or seeing a part of your city you haven’t experienced before. Your city should have a list of weekly events you can attend for a small fee or for free.

Take advantage of this holiday and be a tourist in your own city. It will give you a different perspective on the city you live in and you may learn something new about your significant other. Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things can show you a different side to your partner. Check out local museums or research trails at a nature reserve. Think outside the box and try something new. You never know where it could take you.

Make Dinner

Making dinner might seem a little boring or cheap. However, cooking and creating with your partner could be a great bonding experience. Pick a recipe that is challenging and more involved than boiling water.

Not only will this bring you and your significant other closer together but it will leave you with a sense of accomplishment. You may be amazed at what a little dinner prep can do for your relationship. Try something new and fun, you won’t regret it.

Give Back

Another great way to strengthen your relationship is to volunteer together. Look into organizations around your area that you are passionate about. Some nonprofits may require a training session before you begin your volunteer efforts, so make sure you do your research in advance.

Touching people’s lives while spending time with your partner can bring you closer together. It is such a great feeling to give your time to a cause you are passionate about.

Schedule Game Night

Game night can add a sense of competition and humor to an average night. Not only does it allow you to use your brain in a different way but it allows for creativity. Game night is also a great way to step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

You will learn how your partner responds to various situations.

Get Creative

Nothing says I love you like a love note, right? Well maybe some people enjoy written words of affirmation. There are many ways you can share your love with your partner. Use this holiday to get creative and think of inexpensive ways to share your feelings.

Being creative doesn’t mean you have to do something corny or childish. If your creativity is coming from your heart it will leave your partner feeling valued and loved.

Take a Class

Ever buy a class off of Groupon? There are so many great deals from Groupon and sites like it. You can find all sorts of classes from sushi making to martial arts. Find a class that fits your budget and interest level.

This is a great way to learn something you have always been interested in. Invest in your “self-improvement”, you never know where it could take you and your partner. Maybe you and your partner could be the next top chef (or maybe not).

There are many ways to express your love for someone that does not involve your wallet. You don’t have to break the bank to have a memorable holiday. Think outside the box and take a chance on something new and different. You never know where it could take you and your significant other.

What are your ideas to save money this holiday?


Ashley Chorpenning is a financial blogger and freelancer that writes about wealth management and making informed choices on the path to financial freedom. Ashley blogs at www.MoneyGravity.net and LOVES a good spreadsheet.