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Article by Mihaela Jekic

Have you ever felt dissatisfied, but couldn’t put your finger on why?

You have a well–paying job, nice car, path to promotion –things that should make you happy – and yet you feel unsettled and like you’re missing something.

I used to work long hours at a job that was sucking the life out of me. Then I’d blow all my money on the weekends to distract myself from the lack of meaning and purpose I was experiencing. Despite 70-hour weeks, my savings were a big goose egg! To get the dirty details, and how this experience led me to make work optional decades before traditional retirement age, check out this episode of the Build a Bigger Life podcast with Adam Carroll.

I see these same things from friends to coaching clients – individuals having a nagging feeling in their gut that they were meant to do something else and have a bigger impact.

My client Dan dumped that feeling and gained a greater sense of purpose through self-reflection and taking action.

He did not just want to leave his job… he wanted to leave his entire field.

Dan did a great job of saving money by trimming things from his life that didn’t make him happier long term.

He got rid of excess spending and distractions from his unfulfilling career. He did not blow a bunch of money at bars and restaurants, upgrade his furniture, or buy a new car to make himself feel better short-term.


Many of us live with some forms of excess in our lives. This could be binge-watching TV or playing Fortnite for hours or days. Over-eating, consuming alcohol daily to “take the edge off”, spending everything we earn or more, etc.

To illustrate how this works, see the diagram below*:

*Diagram taken from “Money for Meaning: Philosophy for a Life of Extraordinary Freedom”.

These examples of excess temporarily distract us from the rocks (problems). This is never a permanent solution and act as an undertow for our happiness, health and financial future.

When we remove any of this excess from our lives, it can feel uncomfortable as it will start to expose things that need to be addressed. Like bad relationships, lack of meaning and fulfillment, deteriorating health and waistline, a career path that is not a good fit, etc.


In Dan’s case, he removed most of the rocks – but the largest one was still standing: his career.

Dan was frustrated with his boss, who minimized his contributions and took credit for his accomplishments.  When Dan talked about this, it was clear he was pissed. He knew he was smarter and more capable than his boss, but didn’t want to play the game of kissing ass and politics to navigate the corporate landscape. 

Dan felt deeply within himself that a corporate job was a poor fit. He was an action taker, and had a low tolerance for the status quo.

But just because we know something is good or bad, doesn’t mean we take action. Leaving the security of a stable job – yes, even a job that sucks – can be scary. But it feels less risky when we get our personal finances in order and build a financial runway, which Dan did.

I worked with Dan on his mental blocks, and served as his accountability partner and unbiased guide for the life he wanted. We were able to work through the fears and inertia of leaving the security of a job and going against the convention of his friends and the culture in which he worked.

Through coaching and exploring Dan’s values, and then strategically aligning those values with actions, he made major changes. 

So what actually happened…?

Fast forward:

  1. Dan got a new job he loves and is planning to start his own business.
  1. He started investing in real-estate and already has 2 rental properties that are cash-flowing! And he’s also planning to flip the house he lives in after 2 years of living there.

Dan recently got married and is starting a new life with his wife. He has no regrets about leaving his old career. His days are spent creating, building and doing what he wants on his terms. The next transition will be starting his own company. He is living life without fear and on his terms.

Dan is 28 and killing it!


If you have bigger goals in life, are tired of the status quo, and are ready for change (and are prepared to do the work to get there), coaching can greatly increase your chances of success. To learn more, go to